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Project Reference:


  • Facebook - Black Circle

The EWES project aims to define Early Warning Systems, create awareness and share best practices in order to reduce Early School Leaving.

The main activities for the project are the following ones:

1 - Kick Off Meeting: 

  • It will be in the country of the applicant organisation for two days. The internal agreement will be signed. The roadmap of the project will be examined. The roles will be shared.

2 - Literature Research:

  • For a scientific approach to the problem of ESL a literature research will be done. All partners will provide data for their counties. The data will be collected by the applicant organisation.  The quality assessment and feedback will be realized by Lithuanian partner.

3 - Survey for the Problem :

  • a survey will be prepared by Romanian partner and it will be applied by all partners. The quality assessment and feedback will be done by the Portuguese partner.


4 - TPM 2:

  • Evaluation and assessment of activities so far. Literature research and survey put together and will be discussed by all partners in a face to face meeting. The next steps will be considered. The critical incidents provided by partners put together.

Sharing experience booklet: all the partners will report their best practices related to the issue. The critical incident method will be used in this stage.

5 - Creating project logo:

  • the logo for the project will be designed by the students of the Portuguese partner.

6 - Building website.

7 - Report for the Early Warning Systems to reduce Early School Leaving:

  • This is a key activity of the project. All the data provided from the previous activities will be collected, analyzed and reported.  Romanian partner has the most experience in the issue. That is why Romanian partner will lead this activity. All the other partners will contribute the task. Final examination and quality assesment will be the responsibility of the Applicant Organisation. Have a discussion on the categorisation of reasons to leave school early.In this discussion we will use the available literature and studies in each of the participating countries. We will create a template that contains some specific push, pull, invite and nudge factors. This template can be used in a later stage of the project to comparise the best practice samples. This template can also be used to make it easier to create different (for example cultural based) variations of the good practices and structure the dissemination.

8 - TPM3: 

  • The report will be revised in the meeting. The evaluation, assessment and self-reflection of the project activities and outcomes so far. The interim report will be discussed.


9 - Designing visual messages for ESL.


10 - Visiting parents in each country involved in the project.


11-Development of educational materials:

  • Lesson Plans on preventing school dropout.

  • The lesson plans are essential in the process of teaching and learning. These lesson plans will increase the awareness of the diversity of the issue under discussion. They provide teachers with interesting activities meant to encourage positive and constructive behaviour in the classroom. The development of the materials will be led by Polish partner. Polish partner has the most experience in material development.


12 - Designing brochures and posters:

  • students of all the schools involved in the project will be invited to participate.


11 - TPM4:

  • The design of the visuals and printed materials will be examined and made ready to finish. The activities are evaluated. Next steps considered.

12 - The Questionnaires:

  • Design and distribute a questionnaire to collect data on early school leaving.

  • In order to be able to compare certain qualitative and quantitative elements in the results of the interviews with the students we will use the template. An agreement will have to be made on the significant number of students each partner has to interview to be able to get to a representative result.


13 - Suggestions and Solutions:

  • Suggestions and solutions will be added to the report.


14 - Building infopoints.

15 - Local School visits.

16 - Interview:

  • Interview the agreed number of early school leavers in every participating country


17 - Interpretation:

  • Interpretation of the project tangible outcomes. The report, the visuals, the poster and the brochures.


18 - Final TPM:

  • The whole project evaluated for the Final Report.


19 - Final Report


20 - Quality procedures for fighting early school leaving.

  • A number of quality procedures will be created for reducing drop-outs in schools, to be included in schools’ general quality management. We will additionally propose special quality assurance teams for dealing with and coordinating the implementation of quality assurance procedures during the life of the project, as well as after the project ends. (ex: Detection and monitoring of students at risk of early school leaving, After-school social activities, Counselling process for students at risk of drop-out)


21- Dissemination and Exploitation.


  • Outcome: the ones present are informed about the project


  • Event: Articles on website

  • Target: brief description of the project at our facebook profile and organisational websites

  • Outcome: make the existence of this project known to all contacts


  • Event: Project information on info panels

  • Target: rouse interest for the TwinSpace and the website of the project

  • Tools: panels, flyers, posters

  • Outcome: students, teachers, parents  get acquainted with  the project


  • Event: Distribute bookmarks, flyers

  • Target: ensure the visibility of the project

  • Tools: bookmarks, flyers


  • Frame of time: November 2016 – April 2017


  • Event: Report on international project meetings

  • Target: present the project achievements to teachers, students, staff, interested people

  • Tools: ICT presentations, informative materials from partners

  • Outcome:  people are aware of the progress of the project


  • Event: Press Releases in local and wide community

  • Target: sharing information about the international project meetings

  • Tools: articles in local/ regional/national newspapers

  • Outcome: informing the community about project progress and increase their interest for European Programs

  • Frame of time: May 2017 – August 2017

  • Event: Online poking

  • Target:  diffuse the information about the Preventing Early School Leaving project activities and results

  • Tools: Erasmus plus group, forums, yahoo-groups

  • Outcome: Promotion of the project and its results

  • Event: Regional Meetings with teachers, pedagogical staff, policy makers and educational authorities

  • Target: presentation of the project

  • Tools: dissemination materials, ICT presentations

  • Outcome: raise awareness of the educational materials and invite the participants to visit the project portal and use its potential.


  • Event: Inform on updated info

  • Target: update colleagues and inform them on new documentation

  • Tool: newsletter

  • Outcome: up-to-date information on project activities to keep people informed.


  • Event: Open days in schools

  • Target: promotion of project and Erasmus+ programme

  • Tools: informative posters, leaflets illustrating the activities of project

  • Outcome: participants will be informed about the project goals and Erasmus+ programme


  • Frame of time: September 2017 – August 2018

  • Event: Social networks

  • Target: promoting the project portal as source of interesting resources, including the URL and information about the project subject

  • Tools: social network as: Twitter, LinkedIn

  • Outcome: increase the visibility of the project in social media


  • Event: Information sessions, conferences, workshops, seminars

  • Target: formal presentation of the project and distribute dissemination materials

  • Tools: leaflets, brochures, posters

  • Outcome: Promotional materials + Photos + lists of participants


  • Event: Articles in magazines

  • Target: sharing the research on preventing early school leaving

  • Tools: specialised press

  • Outcome: raise teachers’ awareness about issues, introduce new ideas and suggest solutions


  • Event: Audiovisual media and products

  • Target: promote the project results and activities

  • Tools: Radio, TV, podcasts, video clips, YouTube

  • Outcome: the presence of the project in audiovisual media


  • Event: Newsletters

  • Target: news and updates of project activities. Links and references to project's issues and themes

  • Tools: internet

  • Outcome: teachers and website visitors can be informed about new activities in the project's training packages


  • Event: Article on organisational websites

  • Target: highlighting the resources of the TwinSpace and the website for teachers

  • Tools: internet

  • Outcome: dissemination of the main resources of the portal


The Project consortium is consisted of five schools from Turkey, Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Portugal  | Start: 01-09-2016 - End: 31-08-2018

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